Breakfast Art 2: Adios Andy

"They're ba-ack!" =)

For those of you who don’t know what these decadent yummies are, click here.

As for everyone else, you probably remember me blogging a while back about our house guest Andy H inventing this incredible breakfast dish. Well alas, as both the Buddha and George Harrison have taught us: "all things must pass" …and today, this includes Andy’s long awesome visit to Maui. However, as promised and always one to do things on a happy note, this morning, Andy made us these decadent, delicious, peanut buttery, vanilla-licious, banana-tastic, syrup-drowned masterpieces, one... last... time.


…but wait a sec…

These incredible creations do not have a name. I mean, let’s face it, “Heart-smart Banana Pancakes with Peanut-Vanilla Frosting and Maple Syrup” is just too much of a mouthful. So, for fun, I told Andy H that I’d create a poll for you benevolent people of the interweb to vote on a more entertaining name for them.
(top right)

Here are the options, complete with alleged logic:

  • Maui Sugar-Shock Let's make Atkins roll in his grave
  • Islands of Decadence Cuz just look at them
  • Viking HeavenAs stated before, they are worthy of the halls of Valhalla
  • Peanananilla Cakes Gotta have a portmanteau option
  • Gutful of GoodnessResults oriented
Votes close in a week. Choose wisely folks... the fate of a kick-ass breakfast dish depends on you!

...and Andy, for the zillionth time: It was a blast having you around, bro.
…Now let’s see if we can name these puppies. ;)


Nesting Guest said…
For me it's all about the syllables. Cram 'em in just like the delicious ingredients.
Stephanie said…
At first I thought it was mashed potatoes and gravy, and I thought to myself 'yuck'. But after reading about their sweet deliciousness, they look pretty yummy.

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