Midget Suicide Bombers

Yes I know that title is not PC... but I don't care, because recently I've been told that they actually f@#king exist!!!

Last night, I was hanging out with my buddy who just returned to the states from serving in Iraq. Amidst some of his stranger war stories was the fact that in Iraq, some of the captured/failed suicide bombers in American custody are in fact little people. Now, given all the awesome entertainment that little people have given me in my life (especially Warwick Davis and Verne Troyer) far be it from me to make fun of them on a whim. However, I'm afraid that this is one of those situations where comedic mental imagery strongly overrides my sense of equal opportunity. I mean come on!!! If a combat strategy involves someone reaching a key position and causing a devastating explosion, what are our enemies thinking by recruiting anyone with less than near-average inconspicuousness or mobility?
"OK little guy, go wobble over there and kill yourself for Allah."

More - Than - Ever: WTF?!?

I swear to God, I want to see footage of one of these poor little guys getting captured while trying to work; because by the end of my friend's stories, all I could honestly imagine was the character from the comedy bit below.


Cette vidéo aussi est très chouette ! Je passe du bon temps ici ! Je reviendrai... §:)

This video also is fun! I spend the good time here! I will return… §:)

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