Breakfast Art

As a couple of my readers know, I’ve had a house guest for the past couple weeks. My roommate’s brother, the ultra-chill, semi-albino, wonder-dude we will refer to as Andy H. (The H is necessary because I already know a few very cool individuals named Andy.) In this morning’s display of his coolness, Andy H got up early and made us a breakfast worthy of the Halls of Valhalla.

These edible Elan Vital paintings are banana pancakes with maple syrup AND an icing made from a heated concoction of peanut butter and vanilla cake frosting. As with any pancake dish, a beverage is totally required, and these things are so sweet and thick, they are definitely NOT an exception!

I was only able to eat three of them, and hours later, my stomach still feels the yummy mass of sweet culinary kick-ass-ness.
Muchas yummy gracias, dude!


Nesting Guest said…
Dude, that is just unholy.
Anonymous said…
WTF? Why have I never had these?
Callie said…
Pass the Gallon of Milk! and an insulin shot.LOL

Chris O'Connell said…
LOL... yeah, now that my blood sugar is finally down, I'm gonna see if he's willing to make them again. ;)
Gerri said…
Nah man!!!! I dont think I would go for that.

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