Boogie Boarding in the Rain

"These aren't put up for decoration!"

...or at least that's what a lifeguard told me today when he ordered me and a couple other guys out of the water and basically scolded us for being a bit too far out on a stormy day.

"I don't see fins on you guys. Things in the water have fins. Things in the sky have wings."

Fortunately, in spite of his shamanic sense of metaphor, the know-it-all smartass in me was able to keep quiet, so we weren't kicked off the beach all together. Still, he was right. Even with a decent boogie board, it is tricky as hell to effectively move out there once you get past the white water... and ironically, with 5-15 foot waves, the white water is the part that frikkin' kicks your ass the most! So, I guess today's lesson is: If you're a crazy a-hole who likes to go boogie boarding in the rain, be sure to wear some fins.


James Higham said…
Ah, a life lightyears from mine in the snowdrifts just now and minus 14 degrees.
Chris O'Connell said…
Yeah, far from both snowdrifts and sanity out here. :)
enenmon said…
that lifeguard sounded...hmmm... tough! lol~
Chris O'Connell said…
Hehe... Oh yeah, Enen. I definitely wouldn't call too many of them wimps. ;)

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