Art Vlog: First Week of Inktober with some tips!

After something of a creative rut, and with some totally unscripted prompting by Waifubot, I decided to jump into Inktober this year, and use it not only as a vehicle to get the artistic juices flowing again, but also to dust of and sharpen my rather dulled non-digital art skills. So far, I've got some fun pieces and drawing from past experiences with projects and art challenges, I share a few tips for anyone who might be struggling or wants to jump in late on this challenge.
-------------------------------------------- Inktober Prompts: --------------------------------------------
Art supplies used in this vid: Strathmore sketch pad, number 2 pencils, Super Sharpie, chisel tip Sharpie, wedge erasers from Staples, and various cheap Bic and Pilot pens. (Affiliate Link)
-------------------------------------------- Other places I exist online: Tiktok: Twitter: IMDb:


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