Rolling in Miami

Just when I was really starting to complain that I never seem to travel anymore, this past weekend, my business partner and I took off for a brief working holiday down in Miami.

While I'm not sure if Miami makes my top ten all-time travel destinations, this weekend showed me it definitely gets honorable mention as a place worth checking out at some point. Between a beachy urban energy only slightly more sane than LA, multicultural art deco settings that vaguely remind me of Singapore and an unstoppable Latin funk that you can only hope to find in Florida, Miami is clearly one of those fascinating cities of the world that has it's own unmistakable persona. Oh, and when I say "multicultural" I really f@#king mean it! At midnight on Saturday, I stood in the most subculturally diverse fast food take out line ever, comprised of myself, some Latino gang-bangers, three douche-bag frat boys, a redneck tourist and her small daughter, a pair of crack-heads from the hood (ordering water of course), a bunch of sexy foreign night-clubbers (visibly representing almost half a dozen ethnicities just themselves) and two middle-aged white women who looked like they just spent all day shopping at Gucci and Prada. God, I love culture clash!!! :) 

As often when I travel to cool places, I like to throw out a restaurant recommendation. This time, I've got two: (1) The Knife, an Argentinean meat, veggie and dessert buffet with a very friendly weight staff (of course you know I didn't touch the veggies) and (2) Finnegan's Way, an Irish pub just across the street from Miami beach that serves, what is in my opinion, the best damn burger in Florida. Plus, as you can see in the picture below, it doesn't hurt that they let you sub the fries with linguini alfredo... and yes, my heart prolly did stop for a moment in more ways than one.

This time, I went there for work, but pondering the glimpse of potential fun and  adventure I just described, I'm sure I'll be back at some point for play.


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