Riding the Pendulum

Life is composed of many kinds of ups and downs and most people often seem to be either in a state of utter happiness or dwelling on all that is horrid with their world. Some say, the best place to be is right in the middle, content with life, feeling graced by whatever they think is nice and coping with all that could be better. 

Personally, I say that's a load of crap.

The lows in life are inevitable and they may be more difficult to cope with when they come right after a series of truly great moments, but what if you know how to hang on to the feeling of those great moments? What if those great moments give you something better to shoot for and inspire you to step up and conquer when an opportunity really presents itself?

I had a really crappy week last week. To my knowledge, nobody significant to me died and beyond routine headaches and stress, I wasn't really sick or injured or anything like that. The week just simply sucked, Friday the 13th and all!

At the start of this week however, I find myself preparing to go on a series of short trips that I expect to be fun and/or relaxing...and this morning I received a message from a far off land about a pending opportunity to change my life in a very cool way that's right out of a childhood dream. So, wish me luck in the coming days, folks. It looks like it'll soon be time to step up and conquer.


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